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Agroecology as Innovation

On July 3, the High-Level Panel of Experts of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released its much-anticipated report on agroecology in Rome. The report signals the continuing shift in emphasis in the UN agency’s approach to agricultural development. As outgoing FAO Director General

The West Africa inequality crisis

This year marks the fourth year of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change and environmental degradation, and to ensure that no one is left behind. It also marks the mid-point of the

Technology and Africa’s transformation

Toyin Falola It is becoming more evident that technology could help in organising the activities of the society. When we look at our neighbours in near and far countries, we would see the level of development they have arrived at through the impact of technology.


The stock market generally has a long history of producing profits for investors, but not everyone ends up a winner. Short term trading in the Nigerian stock market is what most people are advised to go for. You can make quick money from speculation quicker

Postharvest losses: Curse to African farming

Adopting cost-effective technologies could help smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa tackle postharvest losses and increase their income, a report says. According to the FAO, postharvest losses reduce the income of the continent’s farmers and value chain actors that depend on farmers by about 15 percent. The report by the International

Boosting R&D capacity for sustainable agriculture

It is galling that a continent with 60 per cent of the world’s uncultivated arable land, that spends US$35 billion every year importing food, is still home to the world’s hungriest, most malnourished population. And although irrigation in Africa has the potential to boost productivity

Unraveling power-play in land use planning

So what happens when multiple players are vying for land and its various uses, while continuously contesting the overlapping boundaries? Land use planning as a technical tool: a realistic approach? Land use planning at the national level in Lao PDR is meant to be a